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Top 5 SaaS Applications to Help Business Growth in 2021


Software as a Service or SaaS Applications is fast becoming the new normal when we talk about increasing the value of a company in the organizational paradigm.


It doesn’t matter whether the company in question is a small business or a fully bloated enterprise, they are fast becoming solely dependent on SaaS applications if they aren’t there already.


But why are they doing that? Why is there a need for these SaaS applications?


Well, the first thing that these applications do is that they save a lot of the valuable time that the development staff or the project manager spends on their work daily.


This happens due to the elimination of manual labor from their job, for the most part, which results in a minimized error percentage and an overall increase in productivity.


So, if you have heard of these applications, or if you don’t know about them and want to, then sit back and relax, because, in this article, we are going to talk about 5 of the best SaaS applications that you can use to help your business growth in 2021.


Best 5 SaaS Applications For Your Business


Here is a list of applications that we going to talk about in this article.

  • nTask
  • Hootsuite
  • Bit.ai
  • Time Doctor
  • Notion


Let’s take a look at all of these amazing SaaS applications in detail and find out how they can help your business grow in 2021.


1. nTask


nTask Do it Right New Home


Being one of the best project management applications in the market right now, nTask is an amazing SaaS tool that you can use to perform task management and project management for all of your projects and their related tasks easily and effectively.


The application is also an incredible risk management tool that you can use to scope out all of the risks and scope creeps that are haunting or are about to haunt your projects.


Also, the application is an effective time tracker that helps you track all of the timestamps that your development team logs in and makes sure that they complete their designated tasks in the time allocated to them.


Key Features

  • Project management to make sure that you manage the development of all of your projects or services that you are trying to create in your company
  • Risk management to make sure that all of the risks and scope creeps that are present in your project development process are tracked and eliminated
  • Time tracking to track your activities according to the time allocated to them
  • Gantt charting and Kanban boarding to view the data as the user wants to
  • Meeting management and much more



  • There is a free trial of this incredible SaaS software available for use if you want to check out the tool’s functionalities first before throwing any money at it
  • The paid subscription of nTask starts at $2.99 that includes all of the different features that the application has to offer


  • App Logo
  • SaaS application used by smart businesses

    Manage tasks, teams, projects, and risks, all in one place. Sign up today!


2. Hootsuite




We all know how addictive the internet is and how many people are joining this world of the internet on a daily basis. So, for all of us, another great SaaS application that we need for our personal and professional life is Hootsuite.


The application makes sure that you have a more engaging and strong social media presence in front of your peers, colleagues, and family members, and helps you to maintain that presence in an easy and fast way, for a long time.


The application also helps you to view different streams from different platforms like LinkedIn, Google+, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter, etc. Also, you can easily update your posts to the platforms directly from the application and even engage with your followers from the same interface.


Key Features

  • Social media analytics and metrics
  • Performance reporting
  • Assignments
  • Creation and Management of Ad campaigns
  • Create and schedule posts to multiple accounts at the same time so that you don’t waste your valuable time
  • Basic task management
  • Content library
  • App Directory



  • There is a limited free plan that lets you check out some of the features that the application has to offer
  • If you want the Professional plan of the software, then you need to pay $29/month to the company


3. Bit.ai


Bit ai


Bit.ai SaaS application is an excellent document collaboration application that is perfect for all the different teams and individuals that want to create, collaborate on and organize their documents in one single interface from anywhere around the world.


The application has a simple and quite intuitive UI which has a very modern touch to it. One of the best things about the application is that it has a workflow configuration feature that allows the users to easily customize their work solutions according to how their team wants them.


Key Features

  • Digital content management
  • End-to-end bit document sharing
  • Branding
  • Customizable workflow solutions
  • Smart bit document editor
  • Custom document branding
  • Security



  • The paid subscription of this incredible SaaS software starts at $12/user/month which has some of the best features that the application has to offer
  • If you are a big team and your requirements exceed the features that the paid subscriptions of this tool have to offer, then contact the company and you can get a custom software subscription built for you by the company, according to your needs


4. Time Doctor


Time doctor


Time is a very important resource that most of us fail to understand and utilize properly. So, when an application comes forth that has the potential to help you easily manage all of your time tracking activities, you jump to it. That application is Time Doctor.


This SaaS application is the perfect time tracking and productivity application that is used widely around the world by many different teams. These teams can be in-house, remote or you can even use the application if you are a Freelancer and want to track your hours throughout the day.


The application also offers a daily and weekly reports feature that helps you and your team members to detect the time they spend on each activity, to find out where you guys are wasting your time so that you can optimize your routine for increased productivity.


Key Features

  • Online timesheets and payroll
  • Productivity measuring and summary reports
  • Website and app monitoring
  • Client Login access
  • Time tracking and employee monitoring
  • Project Management and budgeting
  • Distraction alerts
  • Offline time tracking
  • Integrations and API



  • This SaaS application has an incredible lineup of subscriptions that can fulfill your requirements and needs quite easily


5. Notion




Notion is another SaaS software that is quickly becoming a trending productivity tool that you need to have right now. The application is an all-in-one workplace that can help you and your team manage your work easily and effectively.


The application helps its users to create, get organized, and plan all of their different tasks and activities easily, and it is also used to streamline the functions of many different online applications that you might use on a daily basis for collaboration.


Key Features

  • The application offers search filters to make sure that you find everything that you are searching for in the interface regarding your work
  • Android and iOS apps are also provided by the manufacturer so that you can continue to work on any device that you might have in your person
  • Smart notifications are also available so that anything that happens in the interface can be notified to you ASAP
  • Intelligent Grouping so that you can find everything that you want in the same place
  • Highlighting of important emails
  • Smart Multi-Swiping



  • The application offers an incredible free trial, that helps you get used to some of the incredible features that the application offers so that you know what you will buy in the paid subscription
  • For the paid subscription to this incredible application, you need to pay $4/user/month



Notion Project Management Explained for Beginners




These were our top picks for the best SaaS applications that you can use to help improve your business growth in 2021.


As with everything, you need to look out for more than these recommendations in order to find the perfect application for you. Because not every application is perfect for everyone.


So, if you think that some other applications can help you more easily than these to grow your business easily, let us know and we will include them in our list the next time.

Related Resources For You:


The post Top 5 SaaS Applications to Help Business Growth in 2021 appeared first on nTask.

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