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Unleash the Power of Automations: Killer Webhooks Examples

webhooks examples

Most businesses waste way too much time on mundane recurring tasks that detract from high-level work.

So what’s the solution? Use automation to eliminate as much recurring work as possible.

The result is improved productivity (as much as 20-25% according to McKinsey).

About 66% of businesses have automated at least one business process, and it is expected that about 69% of all managerial work will be completely automated by 2024. 

In line with all of this, our engineering wizards have been unleashing a torrent of exciting new updates, and in this blog post, I’ll take you on a tour of the world of webhooks – one of our latest, and most awe-inspiring, features yet!

In the right hands, webhooks are nothing short of a game-changer, packed with endless possibilities. Let’s start with a basic overview.

So what is a webhook?

You can think of webhooks as a way of sending messages between different SaaS products or applications.  It’s a technology (in the same way that email is a technology) that many different SaaS products support so they can interact with each other. And just like email, webhooks can be incoming or outgoing.

In other words, webhooks are a type of automation. They can help you save time by eliminating a lot of the repetitive manual tasks that are part of your core workflows and business processes.

For example, a webhook might trigger when a task is completed in Process Street. The webhook would then send a message (webhook) to Salesforce to create a record.

Or when an invoice is generated in Quickbooks, send a message (webhook) to Process Street to start a workflow.

webhooks examples how webhooks work vs apis

Webhooks streamline the need for IT involvement or approval; if you have access to the platform (likely admin access) that you’d like to kick off a workflow run (and pre-populate data into the run) you don’t need to involve IT – you can just create the connection yourself.

Benefits of using webhooks to automate recurring work

If you’re looking for ways to improve your business operations, automation is a powerful tool that can have a big impact. And the benefits of automation don’t just stop at one or two areas. In fact, the more you look into it, the more you’ll see that automation can have a positive impact on multiple aspects of your operations.

Reduced human error

Let’s start with accuracy. By automating repetitive tasks, you’re reducing the risk of human error. This is especially important when you’re dealing with large amounts of data, as even a small mistake can have a big impact. So, by automating these tasks, you can enjoy greater accuracy in your results, and your customers will appreciate the attention to detail.

Higher capacity for higher-level work

But it’s not just accuracy that will benefit from automation. By taking these repetitive tasks off the plate of your employees, they’ll be free to focus on higher-level work that is more meaningful and fulfilling. 

Greater job satisfaction & motivation

This not only leads to improved job satisfaction, but it can also help to motivate your team, as they’re able to see the impact of their work more clearly.

More efficient costs

And let’s not forget about the cost savings. By streamlining tasks and reducing the amount of resources required to get the job done, you’ll be able to operate more efficiently. This can have a real impact on your bottom line, especially if you’re dealing with a high volume of manual tasks.

Improved productivity

Finally, all of these factors combined can result in increased productivity, making automation a valuable tool for any business looking to improve their operations. With its many benefits, automation is definitely worth considering if you want to take your business to the next level.

The most impactful webhooks use cases

Webhooks are like secret little helpers that make things easier for you. If you’re managing processes in your team, there’s probably a way you can use webhooks to drastically cut down on the amount of repetitive manual work you’re doing every day.

This makes your life easier, and leaves you with way more bandwidth to devote to the important tasks. No more doing things by hand, let webhooks take care of things for you!

36% of organizations are already using business process management software to automate workflows, and that number is only rising.

It’s simple: If you focus on automating the recurring tasks in your core processes, you stand to save a lot of time and money. That time and money can then be redirected into the work that actually matters. The work that will actually help your business succeed.

Let’s examine some of the best use cases for automating work with webhooks.

Faster, error-free data entry

Problem: Manually recording new data into the various internal silos can be time-consuming and prone to errors.

Solution: Automatically push and pull data into any relevant channel.

Result: Accurate and timely data entry without the need for repeat manual work.

Example process:

  1. New lead information is captured on a landing page form and automatically sent to a spreadsheet or CRM.
  2. The webhook listens for new data in the spreadsheet or CRM and sends it to all relevant channels. 
  3. For example, the relevant data from a new lead could be automatically sent into a new workflow for a sales call.
  4. A webhook could be used to send a notification to Slack if the lead meets certain criteria (e.g. over a certain size, specific niche, etc.)

Instant invoicing & payment processing

Problem: Manual and time-consuming invoicing and payment processing tasks, leading to errors and delays in receiving payments.

Solution: Integrating an invoicing platform with a payment gateway using a webhook and incorporating a workflow management software like Process Street streamlines the process, automating tasks and reducing the chances of errors.

Result: Improved accuracy and efficiency in invoicing and payment processing, resulting in faster and more reliable payment receipt.

Example process:

  1. A new invoicing workflow is run, designed to clearly lay out each step of the invoicing process.
  2. A task to generate the invoice is checked in the workflow.
  3. A webhook triggers a new invoice to be generated in the invoicing platform.
  4. A webhook listens for new invoices and triggers a pull of all of the relevant data from the invoice workflow.
  5. A webhook automatically sends the invoice to the customer.
  6. The customer makes a payment and the payment gateway sends a confirmation to the webhook.
  7. The webhook updates the invoice status in the invoicing platform to show that payment has been received.

Improved customer satisfaction

Problem: Inefficient and disorganized customer communication leading to longer resolution times and unsatisfied customers.

Solution: Integrating email with a customer support platform and using a workflow management software like Process Street to automate and streamline communication processes.

Result: Improved customer satisfaction, reduced resolution times, and efficient organization of customer communication.

Example process:

  1. A customer submits a support request.
  2. The webhook listens for new support requests and triggers a new workflow based on the customer’s needs.
  3. The workflow is used to guide the support agent through a specific solution to the customer problem, and includes all of the support request information.
  4. The customer support team resolves the issue and marks the final workflow task as complete.
  5. The webhook listens for updated tasks and triggers an email to send.
  6. The resolution email is sent to the customer.

Real-time reporting and analytics insight

Problem: Inefficient manual reporting and analytics processes, leading to delayed decision-making and suboptimal results.

Solution: Automating reporting and analytics through webhooks that push real-time updates into a business intelligence platform, allowing for streamlined and efficient data analysis.

Result: Timely and accurate insights for decision-making, leading to improved business performance and results.

Example process:

  1. A workflow for an ISO 9001 audit is run, and the audit is ongoing.
  2. As various task milestones are checked, data is sent in real time to a central BI database via webhooks at each milestone task.
  3. Once the audit is completed, an auto-formatted report is sent into Slack for internal visibility, with key stakeholders tagged, for review and decision-making.
  4. The same task also pushes the results of the audit to the client via email, as well as the BI database.

Onboard new clients seamlessly

Problem: Onboarding new clients can be a time-consuming and manual process, leading to inefficiencies and a risk of errors.

Solution: Integrating a webhook with a workflow management software like Process Street can automate the onboarding process, triggering a predefined workflow when a new client is added.

Result: This results in a seamless and efficient onboarding process, leading to increased client retention and satisfaction.

Example process:

  1. A new client signs up and is added to your customer database.
  2. The webhook is triggered by the new client addition, and sends a notification to Process Street.
  3. Process Street automatically launches the onboarding workflow, which includes all the necessary tasks and steps to onboard the new client.
  4. The workflow ensures that all the required information is collected, and that all relevant stakeholders are notified.
  5. The onboarding process is completed successfully, and the new client is fully integrated into your system.
  6. Increased client retention is achieved through a seamless and efficient onboarding process, leading to higher satisfaction and a reduced risk of churn.

Generate workflows to guide support ticket resolution

Problem: Managing customer support tickets can be time-consuming and inefficient, leading to longer resolution times and potentially dissatisfied customers.

Solution: Integrating a customer support platform with a workflow management software like Process Street, using webhooks to trigger a workflow for each support ticket.

Result: Improved efficiency in resolving support tickets, leading to faster resolution times and increased customer satisfaction.

Example process:

  1. A customer submits a support ticket through the customer support platform.
  2. The webhook is triggered and creates a new workflow in Process Street for the specific support ticket.
  3. The workflow provides clear and automated steps for the support team to follow, ensuring a consistent and efficient process for resolving the ticket.
  4. The webhook updates the customer support platform with the resolution, closing the ticket and improving the overall customer experience.

Monitor & ensure compliance

Problem: Difficulty in monitoring and ensuring compliance with industry standards, company policies, and regulations.

Solution: Integrating a workflow management software like Process Street with a compliance tool using webhooks to automatically trigger compliance checks during workflow execution.

Result: Improved compliance, reduced risk of non-compliance and penalties, and increased customer trust and confidence.

Example process:

  1. Define compliance check points within the workflow in Process Street.
  2. Set up a webhook to trigger a compliance check when each check point is reached in the workflow.
  3. The webhook sends the necessary data from Process Street to the compliance tool for review.
  4. The compliance tool runs the check and returns the result to Process Street through the webhook.
  5. Based on the compliance check result, the workflow continues or stops for further action and review.

The possibilities are endless!

These are just a few examples of how webhooks can bring new possibilities to your business. With webhooks, you can automate repetitive tasks and bring new levels of efficiency to your operations.

Start using webhooks today!

50% of business leaders say that they’re planning to accelerate the automation of repetitive tasks within their organization, and 86% of employees surveyed believe that automation will help them do their work more efficiently to improve productivity and growth.

Webhooks are one part of the bigger picture of automation, and as the trend accelerates into the 2020s, these kinds of tools will only get more and more powerful.

So, what do you say? Ready to see the power of webhooks for yourself? Book a demo with us today to get a hands-on understanding of how webhooks can streamline your processes and bring new possibilities to your business.

You can also check out our help doc for webhooks, as well as the guided video walkthrough below.

The post Unleash the Power of Automations: Killer Webhooks Examples first appeared on Process Street | Checklist, Workflow and SOP Software.

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